Pam Ellinger-Dixon, Ph.D.

Pam Ellinger-Dixon has a M.A. and Ph.D. in psychology, has counseled clients for 30 plus years, is a frequent workshop leader, and Board Chairperson of a counseling and trauma resource center, CitiLookout. Dr. Pam has led hundreds of people through the darkest valleys, assisting them in creating a new life. With wisdom, kindness, and humor she understands the dynamics and necessities of recovery and offers practical and in-depth guidance. When healing seems impossible, Dr. Pam has been there to assist those impacted by traumas from the terrorist attacks in NYC to gunshot victims, from natural disasters to deep betrayals and deaths of loved ones.. She teaches extensively on mental health topics and is a consultant to businesses and ministry leaders at the local and state levels. 

Dr. Pam and her husband live in Ohio and have one adult son and two sweet cocker spaniels. She is an avid hiker, an occasional kayaker, and a regular in the hammock under the trees at home.

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